©2024 Edo State Government

Community Engagement

Welcome to the Community Engagement page of the Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency. Here, we emphasize our commitment to fostering strong partnerships and collaboration with communities across Edo State to promote health, prevent disease, and improve well-being.

At the Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency, we believe that community engagement is essential for the success of our health programs and initiatives. We recognize the unique strengths, resources, and knowledge that communities possess and strive to work in partnership with them to address their health needs and priorities. Our approach to community engagement is guided by principles of inclusivity, empowerment, and mutual respect. We value the input, feedback, and participation of community members in all stages of our work, from planning and implementation to monitoring and evaluation.

We actively engage with community leaders, traditional rulers, religious institutions, youth groups, women’s associations, and other community-based organizations to build trust, mobilize resources, and leverage local networks for health promotion and service delivery. We recognize the important role that these stakeholders play in advocating for health, mobilizing community members, and facilitating access to health services. By partnering with community leaders and organizations, we can effectively reach diverse populations, address cultural barriers, and tailor our interventions to the specific needs and preferences of each community.

We support the establishment and strengthening of Community Health Committees (CHCs) to serve as platforms for community participation and oversight in health planning, implementation, and monitoring. CHCs comprise representatives from the community who are elected or appointed to represent the interests of their peers and provide feedback to health facilities and authorities. CHCs play a vital role in advocating for community health priorities, mobilizing resources, promoting health education and behavior change, and ensuring accountability and transparency in health service delivery.

We train and deploy Community Health Workers (CHWs) to serve as frontline agents of health promotion and service delivery in communities. CHWs are trusted members of the community who receive training in basic health care, health education, and disease prevention. They play a crucial role in delivering essential health services, conducting health education sessions, conducting outreach activities, and linking community members to health facilities. CHWs serve as a bridge between health facilities and communities, helping to improve access to care and promote health-seeking behaviors.

We organize and support community health outreach programs to bring essential health services closer to communities, particularly in underserved areas. These outreach programs may include immunization campaigns, maternal and child health services, family planning clinics, health screenings, health education sessions, and distribution of health commodities. By taking health services directly to communities, we can overcome barriers such as distance, transportation, and cost, and ensure that everyone has access to the care they need to stay healthy.

We are committed to reaching vulnerable and marginalized populations, including women, children, adolescents, older adults, people living with disabilities, internally displaced persons, and ethnic minorities. We recognize the unique health challenges and barriers to access faced by these populations and work to tailor our interventions to meet their specific needs. We prioritize equity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity in our engagement with vulnerable and marginalized groups, ensuring that no one is left behind in our efforts to improve health and well-being.

We value feedback from communities and actively seek input from community members on their experiences with our services, their health priorities, and their suggestions for improvement. We establish feedback mechanisms, such as suggestion boxes, community meetings, hotlines, and social media platforms, to facilitate communication and dialogue with communities. We encourage community members to actively participate in decision-making processes related to health planning, resource allocation, and program design, empowering them to take ownership of their health and advocate for their rights.

We highlight success stories and impact stories that showcase the positive outcomes of our community engagement efforts. From improved health outcomes to strengthened community resilience and empowerment, these stories demonstrate the transformative power of partnerships between the Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency and communities. We celebrate the achievements of community members, health workers, and partners who are making a difference in the lives of individuals and families across Edo State. Through shared experiences and collective action, we can build healthier, more resilient communities together.