©2024 Edo State Government

Programs and Services

Welcome to the Programs and Services page of the Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency. Explore the comprehensive range of programs and services we offer to promote health and well-being across Edo State.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from preventable diseases by accessing our immunization services. We provide vaccines against diseases such as measles, polio, tetanus, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, among others. Our immunization programs target individuals of all ages, from infants to adults, ensuring widespread coverage and protection against vaccine-preventable illnesses.

Ensuring safe pregnancies, deliveries, and healthy outcomes for mothers and children is a priority for us. Our maternal and child health care services include antenatal care, skilled birth attendance, postnatal care, and child health services. We offer comprehensive care and support to pregnant women, newborns, and young children, empowering families to thrive and grow.

Empower yourself to make informed decisions about your reproductive health with our family planning services. We offer counseling, education, and a range of contraceptive methods to help individuals and couples plan their families according to their preferences and needs. Our family planning programs promote reproductive autonomy, healthy spacing of pregnancies, and maternal and child well-being.

Good nutrition is essential for health and well-being at every stage of life. Our nutrition support programs aim to address malnutrition and promote healthy growth and development, particularly among infants, young children, and pregnant and lactating women. We provide counseling, education, and supplemental feeding programs to ensure that individuals receive the nutrients they need to thrive.

Preventing the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases is a key focus of our work. We conduct surveillance, testing, treatment, and prevention activities to control diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases, respiratory infections, and neglected tropical diseases. Through our disease prevention and control programs, we aim to reduce morbidity and mortality and improve the health outcomes of communities.

Empowering individuals and communities with knowledge and skills to make healthy choices is essential for promoting wellness and preventing disease. Our health education and promotion initiatives encompass a wide range of topics, including hygiene, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child care, and disease prevention. We conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and community outreach activities to raise awareness and foster behavior change.

Our primary health care services serve as the cornerstone of our efforts to provide comprehensive and accessible health care to all residents of Edo State. Our health facilities offer a wide range of services, including preventive, promotive, and curative interventions, delivered by skilled and compassionate health care professionals. From routine check-ups to management of chronic conditions, we are here to meet your primary health care needs.

Explore our programs and services to learn more about how the Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency is working to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities across the state.